My must-haves for blogging

I’ve been blogging for quite a few years now. I  actually started my first blog 8 years ago, so I’ve been around for a while now.  Over the years I’ve accumulated a fair amount of gadgets for blogging.
Today I’m sharing my personal blogging must-haves.

  • Cameras. The first thing you need is a good camera. This doesn’t have to be a DSLR, even most smartphones have pretty good camera’s nowadays. If you’re really into photography I would suggest investing in a DSLR, or you might already have one.
    Most of the time I use my Sony a330, I’m really happy about it. It is a starter DSLR so perfect for beginners. The one thing it doesn’t have is a filming function, so when I’m filming I use my boyfriend’s Nikon D3200, which is also a great camera for it’s price. When it comes to lenses, for my Sony I just use the 18-55 kit lens, and for the Nikon, I use a 50mm prime lens. I’ve been debating purchasing a prime lens for my Sony but I haven’t decided yet which one. 
  • Laptop. When I went to college I was lucky enough to get a Macbook pro gifted from my parents and to this day I still blog/edit on this laptop. My boyfriend also got me an iMac for Christmas. But my iMac and Macbook aren’t new by any means, both are from 2009. But with some little upgrades, I can still blog/edit on both of them. I’m not saying you need te get a MacBook if you want to blog, Windows laptops are just as good. I just prefer Apple products. 
  • Smartphone. Again I have an iPhone, but before this iPhone, I had quite a few of Android phone, which worked just fine. I just preferred the iPhone, since syncing android with OSX is a pain in the behind. I mainly use my phone for my social media and quickly checking if planned videos or blog posts have gone up. 
  • Planner. I’ve already made a blog post and a video about my planner, but I can’t live without it. It helps me stay focused and helps me figure out what I need to do when for my blog/youtube. I always plan out my content for the month ahead which also goes in my planner. 
I only recently got myself some studio lights, and before I managed just fine. It takes a bit more planning but I don’t feel like lights are a necessity.  
I also have some background/props from my pictures but the majority of props are just things I have in the house. 

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