February goals & plans
I’m both glad and sad January has passed. When I was still in college, January was spent as a month full of studying and I never paid much attention to any goals during January. I really only start getting more productive toward my goals in February.
I love winter, I really do but once we get halfway through February I’m sick of the cold and I can’t wait for spring to arrive and for the weather to get warmer.
I try and set goals every year, but I hardly ever achieve any. This year I want to share my goals with you guys and hold myself accountable for them. I’m not sure yet if these posts will be a monthly occurrence or not.
- Establish a proper morning routine. I always struggle with getting up early, and even more so in winter when it’s dark and cold. But these past few months I’ve been really bad at getting up in the morning. The amounts of mornings I was still in bed by 10 o’clock were way too many.
Being at home every day also doesn’t help.
So this month I want to focus on getting up around 8.30am, which may seem late to some of your, but it’ll be a challenge for me. - Read a book. I mentioned in a previous post that I want to read 12 books this year, so around 1 book a month. In January I finished “Fantastic Beast & where to find them, the original screenplay” and I really enjoyed it. I haven’t decided yet which book I’m gonna read this month, so if you guys have any recommendations leave a comment.
- Hopefully, I can start my driving lessons this month, I still have to book them so I’m not sure when I’ll start driving. But I’ve been putting this off for way too long. Driving scares the crap out of me, but it’s time I learn how instead of relying on other people and public traffic
- As you may have noticed I took a small break from blogging and youtube. But I’m back this month. And from now on I hope there won’t be any more breaks. My main goals for my blog/youtube is to really start enjoying everything I post and grow my own spot on the web.
- This includes my Instagram, I still love Instagram even though I’ve neglected it for far too long. This month I want to share more on social media,